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Omda Emergency

About Omda
Omda is the leading provider of specialised so4ware for healthcare and emergency services in the Nordics, with a growing presence in Europe, North America and the Pacific region. The company has more than 500 customers in 27 countries and employs more than 250 dedicated specialists. Our highly specialised healthcare solutions empower medical professionals and emergency responders, enabling them to know more and work smarter. With a focus on user-centric design, valuedriven development and close working relationships with customers, Omda delivers solutions that enhance patient safety and improve healthcare outcomes.

Through our focused mergers and acquisitions strategy, we have built a unique blend of best-in-class innovative technology and outstanding expertise. We build long-term relationships with our customers, helping them achieve their goals, and knowing that our growth is earned by consistently delivering secure, quality software services.

Our portfolio of leading solutions encompasses the following domains: Emergency, Health AnalyDcs, MedicaDon Management, Woman & Child, Laboratory Information Systems and Connected Imaging.

Omda’s headquarters are in Oslo, Norway and our employees are located in nine countries across Europe, North America, and Oceania. For more information, visit www.omda.com 

About Omda Emergency
Omda’s Emergency business area offers a complete suite of systems that streamline workflows and resource allocaDon under extreme Dme pressure. This unique software portfolio ensures a safe and robust emergency response by supporting emergency call centre operators, dispatchers, first responders and casualty clinic staff. It also enables seamless sharing of criDcal paDent informaDon to emergency room doctors. With advanced analytics solutions, emergency organisations can leverage their operational data to model resourcing and operaDonal changes, ensuring informed decision-making when planning ahead. For more information, visit www.omda.com/soluDons/emergency